“PRIMITIVE” HUT (GIMME SHELTER) - Monday August 23 - Friday August 27, 2021: Throughout history there has been an interest in pin-pointing the origin of architecture. Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, (c.70-25BCE), in his work De Architectura, describes the origin of the dwelling as the place where fire was discovered. Its evolution as a basic shelter was a result of social interaction (gathering) among humans. Vitruvius goes on to state that all buildings should exhibit three principal attributes: firmitas, utilitas and venustas, (firmness, commodity and delight or structure, function and beauty). In this project we explored several questions relating to the origin of architecture. Some of which included: Is the very essence of architecture its ability to provide shelter? Is this what distinguishes it from art, from sculpture? Must it always remain a thing apart? 
1a + 1b Our first project was a group project in which we learned how to collaborate and incorporate each individuals idea into a single structure. With limited supplies we perservered through the many challenges that came our way, while incorporating numerous ideas into our design. Afterwards, each of us was required to document our shelters and its design. I created a collage of images and drawings, showing a story of our process and later what it became, as well as taking it a step further and showing what I think it could’ve become with more time and material in the process. 
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